What are you coaching?
Do you coach the movement or the person?
Or do you coach both?
As I read the internet and what other coaches are writing about and blogging about, it seems as there is a great amount of information about how to coach and teach movement but very little on coaching and teaching human beings (which ultimately all of our athletes actually are).
“Athletes are human beings first and foremost. If we go after making better human beings, we will most likely make better athletes.”
Do you coach body language?
Do you coach how your athletes are presenting themselves when they train and when they perform?
These are incredible lessons that go far beyond the weight room and playing field.
Body language is a visual representation of how a person feels.
We can convey positive energy or we can convey negative energy in the way we carry ourselves.
We can show our anger or our joy, we can show pain and discomfort or we can show that we are unfazed no matter the circumstances.
As coaches, I believe we have a responsibility to teach those that we work with about how we can change our body language to something that's positive and promotes energy and confidence rather than fatigue and defeat.
Much of our body language is a product of how we think and act in response to the events that are occurring around us.
These thoughts are based on our experiences and can be used to create a positive action, negative action or inaction.
How we change our thoughts are based on our self awareness.
As coaches, are you developing self awareness of those that you train?
Self awareness of movement is critical to creating a change in movement.
Self awareness of your mind and spirit are critical in creating change in yourself.
So I ask again, what are you coaching?
Reach out to coachb@coachbpatel.com for more info or to setup a coaching consult.