Are you a sheep?
This post has been a long time coming as I see too many people in the industry lacking critical thinking skills when it comes to training, rehab, and ultimately making our athletes and clients better.
We shouldn't be sheep and follow blindly what others are preaching and teaching us.
We need to think critically to take the information that we learn at seminars, through reading (online and books), and speaking to other professionals to really try to understand how principles are implemented and how it fits into your philosophy and your system.
We shouldn't blindly copy what others do if we don't understand the message/principle and how it is applied to each coach's own individual situation.
It’s important to know the box before you start to think outside of it. Learn to ask why and how at every stage of the development process. It will help you and effectively those you work with.
Critical thinking skills aren't being developed in our young professionals and we need to emphasize teaching our assistants, volunteers, interns, co-workers and students how to apply principles and develop a system of training.
If principles are understood than creativity will be your only limiting factor...often times exercises are seen without the understanding of how they ultimately fit into the entire program.
Don't blindly copy others without understanding the true meaning.
Seek first to understand and then decide if the new exercise(s) and methods can fit into your system, philosophy, facility and if it will fit with your athletes.
My aim here is to facilitate critical thinking and make you think about what you do, why you do it and how and when you might be able to implement some of the ideas we share with you into the programs you deliver.
Inquisitive thinking is powerful in the quest for growth, knowledge and understanding.
Are you a sheep and following or are you a Shepard leading the way?